Us wy

Wyoming Game and Fish Department

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Privacy Policy

Kalkomey is committed to protecting the privacy of its users. Because Kalkomey gathers information about the users who choose to apply to become volunteers, we believe you should fully understand the terms and conditions surrounding the use of the information we collect. This privacy statement discloses what information we gather and how we use it. Please review the following policy to understand how the information you provide Kalkomey will be treated.

Information We Collect

Users must register by providing personal information such as name, birth date, gender, city and state, e-mail address, and additional information that may be required by the state agency to which you are applying for volunteer service. This information is required to facilitate the agency’s effort to process your application.

What Kalkomey Does With the Information We Collect

The personal information you supply to Kalkomey will be disclosed exclusively to your state agency. Kalkomey will not use the personal information we collect for any other purpose other than to help your state agency process your application.

With Whom Information Is Shared

Kalkomey will share the information that you provide in the volunteer application exclusively with your state agency.

Identity Theft and Security

All of your personal information is collected using SSL (Secure Socket Layer), which allows your information to be securely transferred to us using GoDaddy’s Secure Server Digital ID. Kalkomey’s Volunteer Portal has been approved by GoDaddy to protect your information with industry-leading SSL encryption. After collection, your information is then stored on our servers at a location designed specifically to ensure that no unauthorized individuals have access to the server or its data.

Children and Privacy

Kalkomey encourages parents and guardians to spend time with their children online, and to be familiar with the sites their children visit. Kalkomey fully complies with the Federal Trade Commission's COPPA Act (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act). Parental access: Parents of students of any age may contact our Privacy Coordinator at the mailing address provided below if you would like to do any of the following:

  • Access personally identifiable information that Kalkomey has collected online from your child,
  • Correct factual errors in such information,
  • Request to have this information deleted, or
  • Request that we no longer collect or maintain such information.

Please include your e-mail address and telephone number where we can reach you. Kalkomey takes steps to verify the identity of anyone requesting information about a child and to ensure that the person is in fact the child's parent or legal guardian.

How to Contact Kalkomey

If you have any questions about this privacy statement or the practices of this site you can contact us at:

14086 Proton Rd.
Dallas , TX 75244

Kalkomey hopes this document answers your questions and concerns about our privacy policy. Kalkomey is committed to protecting the privacy of our students.